OVER 100 HEADS IN STOCK! 2019 CASE IH STEIGER 540 HD hi-cap hydraulics, new pto, 5 remotes, new 710/70 x42, nice and clean $329,900 1959 JOHN DEERE 435 GM diesel, 540 pto, new 12.4x28 tires, 2769 hrs. straight $19,900 2022 JOHN DEERE 5075E 412 hrs. 16.9x28 tires, basic warranty expires 5/24, limited and emissions expire 5/27 $39,900 2005 JOHN DEERE 9560 STS 4400 engine 3134 sep hours, touch set, chopper, J&M grain tank extension $54,900 1969 JD 4520 5628 hrs. 2 remote, small 1,000, diff lock, 18.4x38 $15,000 1988 JD 4650 showing 536 hrs. big 1000 pto, 15 speed power shift, 2 remotes, 118.4x38 rubber $30,000 1989 CASE IH 255 24 hp diesel, 3point, 540 pto, 9 speed trans, 1378 hrs $4,900 2022 DEMCO 850 850 bushel grain cart, tarp and rotating spout, 18” auger, big 900x32 tires $CALL 2023 KILLBROS 1035 1000 bushel, hydraulic tension tracks, tarp, scales, adjustable spout $CALL KILLBROS 650 bushel grain cart, tarp, 24.5x32 tires $15,500 A&L 470 bushel grain cart, scales, 18.4x26, good augers $9,000 TYE SERIES 5 with adjustable no-till cart, new coulters, 1” wheels, coil tine harrow $11,500 JOHN DEERE 15’ 7 1/2” spacing, row units tight $22,000 2022 BRILLION SSB12 12’ 2 box seeder, s-tine track removers, acre counter CALL FOR PRICE JOHN DEERE 1590 10’ grass box, dolly, nice $35,000 NEW 2024 KINZE 1051 Camso tracks, tarp and scales $CALL KINZE 400 good augers, 30.5x32 tires, straight cart $11,500 2004 KINZE 650 grain cart, tarp, hungry boards, nice $32,000 2023 KINZE 1121 bushel track cart, Camso tracks, scales, roll tarp, adjustable spout $CALL 1989 CASE IH 3594 20.8x38 with 8 bolt duals, 18.4x26 front tires, 2 remotes, small 1000 pto, showing 4651 hours $39,500
www.usfarmer.com 3 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide WAY TOO MANY DISCS TO LIST 2024 DEMCO RM300 3 point 300 gal. sprayer, 45’ booms, 3 section electric controls $CALL 2023 GREAT PLAINS HT1100-25 25’Terra-Max, rear hitch $CALL KUHN KRAUSE 11 shank, hydraulic gangs, 4” twisted points, walking tandems $29,900 GLENCOE SOIL SAVER 9 shank, 4” 2 piece twisted points, s-tine leveler $7,800 KRAUSE 1480 14’ rock flex offset disc, 10” spacing, big 24 1/2- 25 1/2” blades $18,500 DMI 527 18” front blades’ 16 1/2” rear blades, no welds $9,300 JOHN DEERE 510 5 shank, 22-23” blades, good points $11,500 KRAUSE 31’ rock flex disc, 9” spacing, rear hitch, new blades and bearings $37,900 KRAUSE rock flex, rear hitch, 20-20 1/2” blades $27,000 DOYLE 5 TON spreader, dual spinners 30-40’ spread, ground drive $13,000 DOYLE GWD6T-ST 2 ton fertilizer spreader 40’ spread, ground drive $13,000 DMI ECOLO-TIGER 530B shank ripper, 21 1/2” front blades, leveler blades 18”, no welds $18,500 UNVERFERTH 3 shank shear bolt, new points and shins, like new coulters $8,900 KONGSKILDE SUC1000 grain vac, fan guard system, low use, has heads $22,000 2024 DEMCO 600 GAL. 60’ front fold booms, Raven controller, 3 section, inductor $CALL 2012 KRAUSE 8000-25 Excelerator, blades like new, manual gang angle, flat bar reels $47,000 2018 KUHN KRAUSE 8005-30’ Excellerator with CCX 9000 seeder, 20-21” blades, manual gang adjust, flat bar reels, new tires $107,500 2023 DEMCO ATV sprayer, 60’ booms, Raven controller, 3 section electric shut-off, hand wand, Honda engine $CALL NEW DEMCO RM 200 45’ booms with 3 section electric shut off $CALL 2005 SPRA-COUPE 7650 2163 hrs, 80’ booms, 5 section, 700 gal tank, Raven rate controller, gps and Envisio for guidance and mapping, triple nozzles $59,500
4 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 TRUSTED POWER ƒTake on your to-do list with the relentless and reliable power of STIHL gas-powered tools. Real STIHL. Find yours at STIHLdealers.com °A majority of STIHL products sold in America are made in America of U.S. and foreign materials. $14999 STARTING AT ° stihldealers.com Available at participating retailers while supplies last. †The actual listed guide bar length can vary from the effective cutting length based on which powerhead it is installed on. Check out these reviews and others on the product pages at STIHLdealers.com. ©2022 STIHL/BES °Made in America of U.S. and foreign materials. Batteries and chargers sourced internationally. ° 16" bar† CHAIN SAW MS 170 $19999 "It starts easily and runs great." - Dick44 Includes AK 20 battery and AL 101 charger. HANDHELD BLOWER BATTERY BGA 57 $19999 "Light weight, powerful, quiet and easy to hold." – N21th ° Delphos, Ohio (877) 846-5381 Elyria, Ohio (866) 542-5625 Amherst, Ohio (844) 692-0299
www.usfarmer.com 5 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide Green and Sons - Mount Sterling, OH 12350 St. Rt. 56 SE Mount Sterling, OH 43143 www.Greenandsons.com 740-852-2205 Green and Sons - Raymond, OH 18987 St. Rt. 347 Raymond, OH 43067 www.Greenandsons.com 937-553-3999
6 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 Nationwide Delivery Available! WE WANT TO BUY YOUR USED EQUIPMENT! Nationwide Delivery Available! WE WANT TO BUY YOUR USED EQUIPMENT! 11977 State Route 49 • Edon, Ohio 43518 farming@reitzels.com www.reitzels.com Shop (419) 272-2680 Jimmy (419) 664-7017 Kenny (419) 633-2950 1981 ALLIS-CHALMERS 7010 Only 4,261 hrs, detailed out, new interior kit, new seat, nice older tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 cd86tw 1963 JOHN DEERE 4010 Rare LP tractor with row crop rubber, fenders, narrow front, local unit just came in . . . . . . $6,750 ce23uc BOBCAT 873 ONLY 1,128 HOURS!!! This was our personal unit, aux hyd, super clean, runs & drives great! . . . . . . $26,500 ce12qm DEERE 60G 267 hrs, like NEW! Long stick, coupler, hyd thumb, angle blade!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,500 ce23tb 1995 JOHN DEERE 8770 7,864 hrs, 300 HP, sharp original! 24 speed transmission, 3 remotes, good rubber . . . . . . . . $57,900 cb04ud JOHN DEERE 8320R 3,255 hrs, 320 HP, powershift, ILS front suspension, 5 rear remotes, 1000 PTO, very nice! . . $194,900 ce23te KOMATSU PC210 LC 10,717 hrs, all pumps have been pressure checked & everything is good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 bz43fj CASE IH 7120 3,350 actual hrs!! 166 HP, sharp tractor, we have duals available if you would like row crop tires instead . $79,500 bt83zl 2018 DEERE 204L 4WD, new 405/70R18 tires, ride control, creep control, fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 ce23tc JOHN DEERE 5100R ONLY 362 HOURS!!! 540R loader, front suspension, cab suspension, loaded up!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,500 ce12sb 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA 120 14L Detroit 10 speed transmission, air ride, runs great!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,500 ca09vk 2006 FREIGHTLINER BUS CLASS M2 194,038 mi, air ride, Dakota aluminum bed & hoist, cargo doors, roll tarp . . . $47,500 ca09uj BOBCAT 442 Long stick & angle blade, full cab, good drives, 30” bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 cb39ay CASE IH 4210 72 HP, 2WD, open station, diesel, 540/1000 PTO, category II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,550 ce23td CASE IH 9230 3PT, PTO, 18 .4 rubber @ 70%, 3PT, PTO, 4 SCVs, 8 .3 L engine, powershift transmission . . . . . . . $44,500 ce23up J&M 875 Super clean grain cart with roll tarp, 30 .5 tires, no scales, hyd spout, good augers, super clean cart! . . . . . . . $34,500 bs24vp 1985 JOHN DEERE 4650 8,216 hrs, 183 HP, 2WD, all original exterior, new interior, quad range, runs excellent! . . . . . $37,500 ce12ql 2017 CASE IH MAGNUM 310 4,200 hrs, 310 HP, powershift, LED lights . . . . . . . . . . Good Units! ................ $139,800 bz22ax 1971 JOHN DEERE 4320 Only 5,042 hrs!! Sharp original 4320, factory cab, straight sheet metal all the way around! . . $27,500 bq52qr 2014 JOHN DEERE 2623VT 20’ 9” width, HD high spd disk, with hyd round bar rear basket and rear hitch . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 cd20nx BUHLER FARM KING Like new snow blower, make winter work easier! Like New!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,750 ce23tf JOHN DEERE 6210R ONLY 2408 hrs, pre-DEF, hyd cab suspension, front axle suspension, AQ Plus, very nice! $147,500 cd86tv CASE 580N Only 739 actual hrs! 4WD, Case 4-in-1 bucket, super nice, just came in! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72,500 bw17bi 2021 JOHN DEERE 6155M 5,750 hrs, RH & LH doors, power quad plus 16/16 spd, 3 rear remotes, 540/1000 PTO . . . . $85,500 cb60fh Nationwide Delivery Available! WE WANT TO BUY YOUR USED EQUIPMENT! 11977 State Route 49 • Edon, Ohio 43518 farming@reitzels.com www.reitzels.com Shop (419) 272-2680 Jimmy (419) 664-7017 Kenny (419) 633-2950 1981 ALLIS-CHALMERS 7010 Only 4,261 hrs, detailed out, new interior kit, new seat, nice older tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 cd86tw 1963 JOHN DEERE 4010 Rare LP tractor with row crop rubber, fenders, narrow front, local unit just came in . . . . . . $6,750 ce23uc BOBCAT 873 ONLY 1,128 HOURS!!! This was our personal unit, aux hyd, super clean, runs & drives great! . . . . . . $26,500 ce12qm DEERE 60G 267 hrs, like NEW! Long stick, coupler, hyd thumb, angle blade!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,500 ce23tb 1995 JOHN DEERE 8770 7,864 hrs, 300 HP, sharp original! 24 speed transmission, 3 remotes, good rubber . . . . . . . . $57,900 JOHN DEERE 8320R 3,255 hrs, 320 HP, powershift, ILS front suspension, 5 rear remotes, 1000 PTO, very nice! . . $194,900 ce23te KOMATSU PC210 LC 10,717 hrs, all pumps have been pressure checked & everything is good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 bz43fj CASE IH 7120 3,350 actual hrs!! 166 HP, sharp tractor, we have duals available if you would like row crop tires instead . $79,500 bt83zl 2018 DEERE 204L 4WD, new 405/70R18 tires, ride control, creep control, fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 ce23tc JOHN DEERE 5100R ONLY 362 HOURS!!! 540R loader, front suspension, cab suspension, loaded up!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,500 ce12sb 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA 120 14L Detroit 10 speed transmission, air ride, runs great!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,500 ca09vk 2006 FREIGHTLINER BUS CLASS M2 194,038 mi, air ride, Dakota aluminum bed & hoist, cargo doors, roll tarp . . . $47,500 ca09uj BOBCAT 442 Long stick & angle blade, full cab, good drives, 30” bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 cb39ay CASE IH 4210 72 HP, 2WD, open station, diesel, 540/1000 PTO, category II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,550 ce23td CASE IH 9230 3PT, PTO, 18 .4 rubber @ 70%, 3PT, PTO, 4 SCVs, 8 .3 L engine, powershift transmission . . . . . . . $44,500 ce23up J&M 875 Super clean grain cart with roll tarp, 30 .5 tires, no scales, hyd spout, good augers, super clean cart! . . . . . . . $34,500 bs24vp 1985 JOHN DEERE 4650 8,216 hrs, 183 HP, 2WD, all original exterior, new interior, quad range, runs excellent! . . . . . $37,500 ce12ql 2017 CASE IH MAGNUM 310 4,200 hrs, 310 HP, powershift, LED lights . . . . . . . . . . Good Units! ................ $139,800 bz22ax 1971 JOHN DEERE 4320 Only 5,042 hrs!! Sharp original 4320, factory cab, straight sheet metal all the way around! . . $27,500 bq52qr 2014 JOHN DEERE 2623VT 20’ 9” width, HD high spd disk, with hyd round bar rear basket and rear hitch . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 cd20nx BUHLER FARM KING Like new snow blower, make winter work easier! Like New!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,750 ce23tf JOHN DEERE 6210R ONLY 2408 hrs, pre-DEF, hyd cab suspension, front axle suspension, AQ Plus, very nice! $147,500 cd86tv CASE 580N Only 739 actual hrs! 4WD, Case 4-in-1 bucket, super nice, just came in! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72,500 bw17bi 2021 JOHN DEERE 6155M 5,750 hrs, RH & LH doors, power quad plus 16/16 spd, 3 rear remotes, 540/1000 PTO . . . . $85,500 cb60fh Nationwide Delivery Available! WE WANT TO BUY YOUR USED EQ 11977 State Route 49 • Edon, Ohio 43518 farming@reitzels.com www.reitzels.com Shop (419) 272-2680 Jimmy (419) 664-7017 Kenny (419) 633-2950 1981 ALLIS-CHALMERS 7010 Only 4,261 hrs, detailed out, new interior kit, new seat, nice older tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 cd86tw 1963 JOHN with row cr front, local ce23uc BOBCAT 873 ONLY 1,128 HOURS!!! This was our personal unit, aux hyd, super clean, runs & drives great! . . . . . . $26,500 ce12qm DEERE 60G 267 hrs, like NEW! Long stick, coupler, hyd thumb, angle blade!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,500 ce23tb 1995 JOHN DEERE 8770 7,864 hrs, 300 HP, sharp original! 24 speed transmission, 3 remotes, good rubber . . . . . . . . $57,900 cb04ud JOHN DEERE 8320R 3,255 hrs, 320 HP, powershift, ILS front suspension, 5 rear remotes, 1000 PTO, very nice! . . $194,900 ce23te KOMATSU PC210 LC 10,717 hrs, all pumps have been pressure checked & everything is good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 bz43fj CASE IH 71 sharp tract would like bt83zl 2018 DEERE 204L 4WD, new 405/70R18 tires, ride control, creep control, fenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,500 ce23tc JOHN DEERE 5100R ONLY 362 HOURS!!! 540R loader, front suspension, cab suspension, loaded up!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,500 ce12sb 2007 FREIG Detroit 10 s runs great! ca09vk 2006 FREIG 194,038 m & hoist, ca ca09uj BOBCAT 442 Long stick & angle blade, full cab, good drives, 30” bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 cb39ay CASE IH 4210 72 HP, 2WD, open station, diesel, 540/1000 PTO, category II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,550 ce23td CASE IH 9230 3PT, PTO, 18 .4 rubber @ 70%, 3PT, PTO, 4 SCVs, 8 .3 L engine, powershift transmission . . . . . . . $44,500 ce23up J&M 875 Super clean grain cart with roll tarp, 30 .5 tires, no scales, hyd spout, good augers, super clean cart! . . . . . . . $34,500 bs24vp 1985 JOHN DEERE 4650 8,216 hrs, 183 HP, 2WD, all original exterior, new interior, quad range, runs excellent! . . . . . $37,500 ce12ql 2017 CASE IH MAGNUM 310 4,200 hrs, 310 HP, powershift, LED lights . . . . . . . . . . Good Units! ................ $139,800 bz22ax 1971 JOHN DEERE 4320 Only 5,042 hrs!! Sharp original 4320, factory cab, straight sheet metal all the way around! . . $27,500 bq52qr 2014 JOHN DEERE 2623VT 20’ 9” width, HD high spd disk, with hyd round bar rear basket and rear hitch . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 cd20nx BUHLER FARM KING Like new snow blower, make winter work easier! Like New!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,750 ce23tf JOHN DEERE 6210R ONLY 2408 hrs, pre-DEF, hyd cab suspension, front axle suspension, AQ Plus, very nice! $147,500 cd86tv CASE 580N Case 4-in-1 in! . . . . . . bw17bi 2021 JOHN & LH doors rear remot cb60fh
www.usfarmer.com 7 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
8 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 Barn/livestock Equipment BHF Mfg. Inc...............23 Cowherd Equipment, Inc..11 Martin’s Hay Feeders Inc. .21 Building & Building Supplies J. Bisio Enterprises. Inc...... 7 Classifieds ............31-33 Drainage Contractors Todd Schaeffer Equipment..........26-27 Equipment Dealer Born Implement ......... 2-3 Forestry & Woodlot Baumalight ................ 1 Stihl USA................... 4 Generators/Solar Power Baumalight ................1 Hay & Forage Cowherd Equipment, Inc..... Manure & Chemical Kale Marketing ............30 Media & Publishing Shop U.S. Farmer ..... 12, 15 Planting, Seeding & Tillage Little’s Farm Supply........ 9 Polen Implement ......34-36 Reitzel Ag Equipment...... 6 Reveal 4-N-1 LLC. .........29 Precision Ag Greentronics .............17 Kale Marketing ...........30 Reveal 4-N-1 LLC..........29 Todd Schaeffer Equipment..........26-27 Skidsteers/Attachments Mapleside Mfg Inc .......18 Snow Removal Horst Welding ............13 Tractors & Attachments Born Implement ......... 2-3 Kubota Tractor Corp....5, 19 Little’s Farm Supply........ 9 Polen Implement ......34-36 Reitzel Ag Equipment. ..... 6 Trucks ALE Truck Beds ...........28 ADVERTISER INDEX ABOUT US US Farmer attempts to verify that claims in advertising adhere to industry standards. However, publishers assume no responsibility for accuracy and validity of claims. U.S. Farmer magazine connects farmers and rural landowners to the products, services and machinery they need. Now reaching farms across Ohio and Kentucky, with distribution in Indiana, Tennessee and Illinois. We’re the Buyer’s Guide for Farm & Country Life. Mailing Address: 195 Raymond Hill Road, Suite D, Newnan, GA 30265 Mailer ID: 902460131 Subscriptions: Sign up at usfarmer.com to receive U.S. Farmer Magazine delivered to your mailbox 12 times a year. That’s a Brand New Issue every month! ©2025 U.S. Farmer is published by: U.S. Publishing, Inc. A Farms.com Company National Sales Manager: Paul Nolan (888) 531-1511 x202 paul.nolan@farms.com Sales Manager: Diana Risley (888) 531-1511 x910 diana.risley@usfarmer.com Sales Team: Scott Farhood (888) 531-1511 x277 scott.farhood@farms.com Jennifer Longstreet (888) 531-1511 x256 jennifer.longstreet@farms.com Jeff McKee (888) 531-1511 x917 jeff.mckee@farms.com Samantha Renaud (888) 531-1511 x257 samantha.renaud@farms.com Joan Spiegelberg (888) 531-1511 x262 joan.spiegelberg@farms.com Farms.com Sales Andrew Bawden (888) 531-1511 x 5013 andrew.bawden@farms.com Proud Supporter of ADVERTISERS: Booking deadline for our March 2025 edition is February 18. Contact us today to reserve your spot. PROUDLY AMERICAN MADE ALE Truck Beds.......... 28 Kale Marketing .......... 30 Reveal 4-N-1 LLC......... 29 Todd Schaeffer Equip. 26-27
www.usfarmer.com 9 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide andoll www.littlesfarmsupply.com | (937) 288-2318 4141 State Route 138, Lynchburg, OH 45142 2024 BRILLION BPSB6 NEW! 6 ft. no-till seeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Pricing NEW 2023 KILLBROS 835 GRAIN CART, 850 bu. capacity, weatherguard tarp, 30.5 L R32 Ag Tires, red, s/n D68890186. . . . . . . . . .Call for Price NEW 2023 UNVERFERTH MODEL 3755XL SEED TENDER, s/n D69140175, roll tarp, work light package, LED lighting, 6 function wireless remote, 2520 scale pkge, 8”x 21 ft. conveyor, bumper hitch . . .Call for Price 1997 CASE IH , 30 ft. model 1020 Grain Table, in reasonably good condition, has Killbros head cart included .............................$7,500 1986 CASE IH 1660 COMBINE, 6022 hrs., Almost $21,000 in repairs on this combine including a complete engine overhaul with new sleeves and pistons, new turbo, new injectors, rebuilt heads, new radiator, new unload auger . . . . $27,500 2004 CASE IH 4300, 27 ft. 4300 Field Cultivator, in good condition, walking tandems, guage wheels, 3 bar remlinger harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,500 GREEN MODEL 12 PERFECTA FIELD CULTIVATOR with attached rolling basket and adjustable leveler bar.... . . . . . . . . . . .Call for Price NEW 2023 UNVERFERTH MODEL 1245 Double Basket Rolling Harrow, 20 ft., red, s/n A68060102, round tooth leveler bar . . . . . . . . . . Call for Pricing NEW 2023 UNVERFERTH MODEL 1245, Double Basket Rolling Harrow, 30 ft., s/n A68430131, red, round tooth leveler bar, lift assist wing wheel kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call for Pricing INTERNATIONAL 6000 CONSER Till Disc Chisel, 10 shank, 13 ft. has rear buster bar , in good overall condition.............................$5,500 KRAUSE 2156 DISC, 200 gallon, 39 ft., blades are wore down some but we used it on our farm and it does a good job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 KRAUSE 27 FT. MODEL 3127 Soil Finisher, shovels in good shape, rear hitch, rear drag harrow. .$9,500 UNVERFERTH MODEL 132 RIPPER, 4 shank, 30 inch spacing, gauge wheels, spring reset. Get the same job as a new one would do for half the price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,500 1984 CASE IH 4694 TRACTOR, very few hours on rebuilt engine, transmission and pto clutch’s rebuilt as well, 6244 hrs., steers good, power takeoff shaft, 3 pt hitch arms not working correctly . . . .$27,500 1947 OLIVER 80 TRACTOR, runs good, metal in good condition. Looks ok but put a coat of paint on this tractor and it would be perfect. . . . . .$10,000 2014 KENWORTH T600, 405 hp Paccar Engine, s/n 1XKADP9XXEJ965343, 637191 miles, runs and drives good. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call for Pricing 1966 MASSEY FERGUSON 304 LOADER TRACTOR Doesn’t look great but runs really good, good rear rubber, only has forks for the loader and nobucket ............................$7,500 JOHN DEERE 520 GRAIN DRILL, 10 inch spacing, 3 point hitch, in good condition, with markers, customer used it the last few years, includes a Donahue trailer for transport. . . . . . . . . . . .$5,877
10 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025
www.usfarmer.com 11 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
12 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025
www.usfarmer.com 13 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide SNOW Everything you need for winter. Whether your needs are big or small, we offer specially engineered snow equipment designed to maximize efficiency and tackle any job with ease. MADE FOR SnowBlade SnowPusher Available on select: SnowPushers, SnowWings, and SnowBlades. Visit hlasnow.com for our full lineup of snow products
14 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025
www.usfarmer.com 15 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
16 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 Everyday farmers face the challenges of daily farming. Your needs change from day to day as you try to get your job done. Find all the Farms.com. Follow us @FarmsNews
18 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 MADE IN CANADA MADE IN CANADA
www.usfarmer.com 19 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide Green and Sons - Mount Sterling, OH 12350 St. Rt. 56 SE Mount Sterling, OH 43143 www.Greenandsons.com 740-852-2205 Green and Sons - Raymond, OH 18987 St. Rt. 347 Raymond, OH 43067 www.Greenandsons.com 937-553-3999
20 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 PREMIUM version available to Farms.com Risk Management subscribers. Never miss another marketing opportunity again! Not a subscriber? Download the app, and click on “Premium” to sign-up to receive a FREE 8-week trial! Customized Quote Notifications & Price Target Alerts Timely Marketing Recommendation Alerts Buy & Sell Signals Farmer favourite futures percentage booked & pull the trigger alerts And much, much more!
www.usfarmer.com 21 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide For all your Ohio farm news, market information, Ohio auctions, Ohio farm business directory, and Ohio job opportunities near you, visit OhioAgConnection.com. If you are in Indiana or Kentucky visit IndianaAgConnection.com and KentuckyAgConnection.com for your local farming news.
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www.usfarmer.com 23 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
24 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 888-531-1511 subscriptions@usfarmer.com Sign me up for the weekly Machinery Newsletter (distributed via email) which features the latest news articles on farm equipment, maintenance, tips and more! NAME: STATE: ZIP: COMPANY: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL (OPTIONAL): CITY: ACRES FARMED OR RANCHED: GET YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE THIS FORM & MAIL TO: 195 Raymond Hill Road, Suite D Newnan, GA 30265 www.usfarmer.com
www.usfarmer.com 25 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
26 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 Crary Tile Plows Crary Trench Pro Crary Revolution Ditcher GPS Software using Outback Guidance or your own RTK SD Drain Ditch Software SD Drain Tile Software NEW! A631 Base Station Schaeffer Equipment LLC Todd 4300 Morral-Kirkpatrick Rd E Marion, OH 43302 We Ship Daily! (419) 845-2807 • www.TSEQUIP.com NFMS 2025 - NORTH WING 4562-4566 Check out New Standard and Lift-Top Models Call for Details! NEW! Stringer Trailer Topcon RL-HV Slope Series Lasers - Single & Dual w/ Receivers & App Topcon RL-H5 Series A/B w/Receiver LET US HELP WITH MACHINE CONTROLS - LASER OR GPS! CR5 Spectra Series Machine Receivers EG1-M AgroEcoPower Call to Discuss!
www.usfarmer.com 27 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide Tile Probes and Tile Cutters. Call for Details and Pricing! Call For Details Tile Stringer Trailer - Standard & Lift Top Holcomb Ejection Scrapers 8 - 20 Yards, Dolly & Direct Hitch Holcomb 800 Scraper Holcomb 1800 Direct Hitch Hopper Walker Holcomb Box Scrapers 10ft-16ft Schaeffer Equipment LLC Todd 4300 Morral-Kirkpatrick Rd E Marion, OH 43302 We Ship Daily! (419) 845-2807 • www.TSEQUIP.com Maverick Mini Rodder - 3/16” dia, approx. 275ft Maverick Power Assisted Rewind - add to New or Existing Mav Unit Maverick Max Reel 7/16”dia., 750ft & 1000ft. Maverick Tile Finder Pkg Locate Tile & Utilities, 3/8” dia. 650ft, depth 30ft accuracy to 1”. New Model V2 Rod w/Locator
www.usfarmer.com 29 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide
30 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 Duo Lift TD1200, 1,200 Gal. Cone Bottom, 12.5x 15 10-Ply Tires & Wheels w/Pump and Plumbed Duo Lift LBI Universal Low Boy NH3 Wagon, Fits Twin 1,000 Gal. Tanks Or 1,450 Gal. Tank w/Adjustable Rear Axel Duo Lift TD1000, 1,000 Gal., 11x15 Tires & Wheels w/Pump and Plumbed Duo Lift M2200, NH3 Wagon For Rugged Use Under Severe Conditions, 16.1x11 Wheels AT6020 Fertilizer Injection Applicator Commercial Class Fertilizer Injection Applicator · Heavy Duty, 6x6 Mainframe · Row Options Include: PrePlant, SideDress & Strip-Till Operations · Placement Options Include: NH3, Liquid And Dry · Swath Widths: 40’ To 62.5’ In 15”, 20” Or 30” Rows, 16R30 To 25R30 Sizes · High Flotation Tire Options OHIO Eric Winner (614) 374-8722 NORTHERN OHIO Ed Maas (419) 217-1639 Single 380/90R46 Tires Outer Wing Folds Up For 17R30 (76 cm) Operation Exclusive Jet Stream Row Unit High Pressure Direct Injection or Coulter Knife Injection Easy Access To 3” (76 mm) Bottom Fill Plumbing Rugged Toolbar and Mounting Dual 3 x 8 Lift Cylinders With Depth Setting Spacers 3 x 20 Wing Fold Cylinders Positive Contact Drive Mount Bottom Fill Plumbing For Pivot Irrigation and drainage tile tracks SubTiller4 - Lifts & Fractures Hardpan & Wheel Compaction Caused By Heavy Equipment. 14”-18” Operating Depths 1400 gallon (5300 L) Cone Bottom Tank Outer Wing Folds Up For 11R30 (76 cm) Operation Exclusive Jet Stream Row Unit High Pressure Direct Injection or Coulter Knife Injection Easy Access To 3” (76 mm) Bottom Fill Plumbing AT4615 AT3015 AT4015 CALL FOR YOUR FERTILZER APPLICATION & FARM EQUIPMENT NEEDS! SUBTILLER 4 ™ TRENCHMASTER™ Rigid Frames, 5 Shanks We are still open for business We are no longer a Case IH dealer, but Kale Marketing will continue to do business with all our loyal customers, as we have since 1978. We will still carry the same quality products, such as, Blu-jet, Duo-lift, Banjo, Tee Jet and More 800-589-5253
www.usfarmer.com 31 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide FARMERS! 1-888-531-1511 X803 ONE FREE FARMER AD PER CUSTOMER PER MONTH. BUSINESSES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS OFFER. POST YOUR FREE AD* IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF USF! CLASSIFIED ADS ALSO APPEAR ONLINE ON FARMS.COM/CLASSIFIEDS. *UP TO 140 CHARACTERS add a photo for /month! $30 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE FOR MARCH IS FEBRUARY 17 4 PM ANTIQUES ANTIQUES 1000 1956 CASE 410 ROW CROP TRACTOR, remote control, 4, 14" plows. Heath, OH. 740-323-3778. GENERATORS, ENGINES & POWER SUPPLY GENERATORS, ENGINES & POWER SUPPLY 1400 V-TWIN GAS ENGINE, 708cc, 1" vertical shaft, made by predator, brand new never out of the box, $750. West Jefferson, OH. 614-208-8125. WINPOWER GENERATOR, 30KW, PTO driven, good cond, $1950. Athens, OH. 740-517-4365. LIVESTOCK/POULTRY/ PETS SHEEP & GOATS 1670 RIDEAU ARCOTT RAMS & EWE LAMBS, Genovis tested, parasite resistant breeding, high health flock. Breezy Ridge Farms, Sutton, ON. 905478-4280. www.rideausheep.com SEED/FEED/CROPS STRAW & BEDDING 3550 STRAW, sq bales, $2/bale. Somerville, OH. 513-594-5241. ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS 5000 AC MANURE LOADER, w/ 6' spring loaded snow plow, new paint, no welds, fits WD & WD45, $450. Dover, PA. 717-292-6163. BLUE DIAMOND GRAPPLE, HD, 6', fit 5000 series JD tractor, used only 4hrs for strom clean up, $2500. New Carlisle, OH. 937-925-0177. CHEMICAL/FERTILIZER APPLICATORS FERTILIZER APPLICATORS - ANHYDROUS 5110 ANHYDROUS TOOL BAR, 11 knife, verticle fold, 3pth. Bradford, OH. 937459-0656. CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BACKHOES & LOADERS 5210 JD 555B TRACK LOADER, $14900. Hillboro, OH. 937-393-9229. GRAIN HANDLING / STORAGE OTHER 5490 2012 RICHIGER R950 GRAIN BAGGER, can process up to 13000BU/hr, always shedded, excellent cond, $18800 USD. Southwestern Ontario, Canada. 519-533-2405. HARVESTING COMBINES 6010 CIH 1640 COMBINE, 17.5' header, homemade header wagon, 3300hrs, $22000, OBO. Vickery, OH. 419-5479280 or 419-765-4722. GLEANER R65, 2917 sep hrs, many new parts in last 3 seasons, fine cut chopper, 30' grain head, w/ cart, 1 season on knife rebuild, $64500. Elmore, OH. 419-699-6053. GLEANER FII HYDRO, diesel, 1121 Combine hrs, over size 28L26 tires, will not get stuck, power auger, 15' header w/position monitor & new TEC small knife, 4 row 30" black corn header, All for $10850, everything always sheded. Norwalk, OH. 419-706-9489 or 419750-0963. 1986 JD 7720 TITAN ll COMBINE, 3707hrs, $16000. Hillsboro, OH. 937393-9229. COMBINE PARTS, for MF 510 & JD 6600. Rossburg, OH. 937-564-0719. GRAIN CARTS 6040 525 E-Z TRAIL GRAIN CART, lug tires 8990, always shedded, $7900. Norwalk, OH. 419-706-9489 or 419-7500963. CSF DIGIFEED GRAIN CART, for dairy barn, battery powered, like new, $2500. Bloomingdale OH. 740-9461461.
32 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025 SUBSCRIPTIONS @USFARMER.COM GRAVITY WAGONS 6050 GRAVITY WAGON, 400bu, bottom dump, 10/20 tires, good to exc cond, $2250. West Jefferson, OH. 614-2088125. KILLBROS 475 GRAIN CART, good cond, been in barn last 5yrs. Ashville, OH. 740-412-0522. HEADERS - CORN 6060 CORN HEAD, 4R, for Gleaner F combine. Fort Jennings, OH. 419-371-0972. HAY & FORAGE BALERS - ROUND 6315 JD 530 ROUND BALER, for sale. Tiffin, OH. 419-937-2581. FORAGE HARVESTERS 6335 NH 790 CHOPPER, w/ 2R corn head, $1300. Waterford, OH. 740-525-7397. MOWER CONDITIONERS /WINDROWERS 6350 NH 479 HAYBINE, good tires & paint, new guards & sickle bar, $1600. Bradford, OH. 937-448-2439. RAKES/TEDDERS 6355 KRONE SWADRO 1010 3 ROTOR RAKE, 3pth, 540 PTO, good cond, $13500. New Holland, PA. 717-3549977. OTHER 6390 TUBELINE 1000 BALE WRAPPER, 2 plastic dispensers, good cond. Bucyrus, OH. 419-563-4944. LAWN & GARDEN RIDING LAWN MOWERS 6420 GRAVELY MOWER, used to pull trailer; mower taken off, $350. Mansfield, OH. 419-529-4092. SCAG CHEETAH LAWN MOWER, 61" cut, 734hrs, 32hp Vanguard engine, exc shape, always shedded, $6500. West Jefferson, OH. 614-203-8935. 2005 SIMPLICITY CONQUEST, 54" deck, 22hp, 868hrs, rebuilt trans, $2100. Bradford, OH. 937-448-2439. OTHER 6490 JD CORN PICKER, 6R, converted to fit Int combine, w/ wagon, $5000, OBO. Vickery, OH. 419-547-9280 or 419-765-4722. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT CHUTES/FENCING /HANDLING 6520 ARROWQUIP 74 CHUTE, w/ all the options, including wheel kit, 2 years old, very little use. Bucyrus, OH. 419563-4944. PARTS & SALVAGE AG PARTS 6710 FERTILIZER BRACKETS, off White 9812 planter, $75/ea. Columbus Grove, OH. 419-236-7664. JD REBUILT REVERSER, gear box, complete sheave, new shaft, all new JD bearings & seals, fits JD 9500 combine, $3975. Greenville OH. 937-423-4967. TIRES, DUALS, RIMS & CHAINS 6740 2 - 28L/26 TIRES, tubes, no rims, decent tred for age of tires. Bradford, OH. 937-459-0656. PLANTING & SEEDING PLANTERS 6830 BLACK MACHINE PLANTER, 12R-30", 13-15", good cond, liq fert. Tiffin, OH. 419-937-7004. JD CONSERVATION PLANTER, 8R, rebuilt cyl, newer seed disc, fert tank, hyd hoses, field ready, $5995, OBO. Greenville OH. 937-423-4967. SKID STEER LOADERS SKID STEERS 6920 NH L225 SKID LOADER, for sale. Tiffin, OH. 419-937-2581. TILLAGE FIELD CULTIVATORS 7020 INT 3400 FIELD CUTIVATOR, 22' wide, $2500, OBO. Vickery, OH. 419-547-9280 or 419-765-4722. TILLAGE OTHER 7090 MCFARLANE REEL TILL, 30'. NH silage blower. 937-459-0656. TRACTORS OTHER 8490 1957 FORDSON MAJOR TRACTOR, diesel, 2WD, 16.9x30 tires, 3pth, running cond. Dundee, OH. 330-852-2030 1993 CIH 5250, 6000hrs, 2WD, duals, $27000. Edgerton, OH. 419-212-4600. 1982 INT 5488, 8000hrs. Fremont, OH. 419-334-2491 or 419-208-5249. CASE 730 COMFORT KING, PS, wide front end, just been repainted, new tires on front & back, ready for show. Shelby, OH. 419-347-5205. 1997 NH FORD 7610S, for sale. Tiffin, OH. 419-937-2581. FORD 8600 DIESEL, cab, heat, no AC, snap on duals, good cond, $9000. Rome, OH. 440-474-4519. TRUCKS & AUTOMOBILES FARM/GRAIN TRUCKS - HEAVY DUTY 8640 J&M 385 GRAVITY WAGON, 400bu, $8000. PARKER GRAIN BOX, 300bu, $2000. Everything is kept inside, well maintained, good cond. Napoleon, OH. 419-576-9269. FORD F750 TRUCK, 500BU, w/new spare tire & rim, V8 engine replaced, plenty of power, $4301. Norwalk, OH. 419-706-9489 or 419-750-0963. 1972 FORD GRAIN TRUCK, electric hoist, needs repaired, everything runs. Somerville, OH. 513-594-5241. 1986 CHEV C70 DIESEL GRAIN TRUCK, PTO lift, 5spd high low range, 16' Obeco grain box, Shurlock roll tarp, tires like new, kept inside, $12000. Lancaster, OH. 740-215-6756. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ATVs & UTILITY VEHICLES 9100 POLARIS 570 RANGER, Polaris winch, mirrors, roof, windshield, 191hrs, immaculate condition, $9250. Pics on Farms.com. Fremont, OH. 608-7515567. WANTED WANTED 9800 WANTED: 23' Brillion cult-packer, in good to exc cond. Tiffin, OH. 567-2302344. WANTED: NH 451 mower, 3pth sickle bar, in exc cond, small guards. Leave a message. Leechburg, PA. 724-8456120. WANTED: Long 900 or 910 tractor, or long 1100 or 1110, for parts or running. Lowell, OH. 740-856-9858. WANTED: JD manual, for HX15E rotary mower, part #om51060. Hillsboro, OH. 937-393-9229. WANTED: Dorper lambs or ewes, white headed. Rossbug, OH. 937-5640719.
www.usfarmer.com 33 February 2025 | The Farm & Country Buyer’s Guide Learn how to recognize potential scams when buying or selling items using classified ads While the internet is a great place to buy and sell items in the classifieds, you should always use caution to avoid becoming the victim of a scam. Here are a few tips you can use to help identify a potential scam when buying or selling items in classified ads: • Ads that sound too good to be true and have an unusually low price may be fraud • The seller urgently needs to sell the item and may describe family or personal issues as the reason for selling • Buyer or seller is unable or refuses to complete the transaction in person • Emails / phone calls / text messages from buyers or sellers who are not in your local area • Items for sale are stored elsewhere and will require shipping. • The seller is willing to pay for shipping of farm equipment and may be located in a different country. • Advanced payment required for items you have not received yet • Request to ship items before you have received payment While most transactions that occur between people using online classified ads are legitimate and safe, taking some precautions before buying or selling goods online is a good way to prevent you from losing your money or valuables. • Do not send payment by money transfers, money orders, Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, Escrow services, Western Union, Money Gram, PrePaid credit card or cashier check. • Use a notary when selling items like tractors, farm equipment, real-estate, and recreational vehicles • Do not provide personal information, including social security numbers, banking information • Never invite a stranger into your home • Use a counterfeit detecting pen if you are receiving payment in large amounts of cash • Get the vehicle / equipment reviewed by a mechanic or equipment dealer prior to purchase PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM CLASSIFIED AD SCAMS Subscribe to our Newsletters
34 www.usfarmer.com A Farms.com Company | February 2025
PI_BackPageFEBRUARY2025 Thursday, January 23, 2025 4:39:54 PM Presorted STD US Postage PAID Permit No. 57 Watertown, NY 13601 Next edition MARCH 2025 Ad booking deadline: Feb 18, 2025 at 5 pm Ad material: Feb 21, 2025 at 12 pm Contact us at: 1-888-531-1511 x910 The Farm & Country Buyer's Guide, reaching farmers and rural property owners across Ohio and Kentucky, with distribution in Indiana, Tennessee and Illinois. A Company 195 Raymond Hill Rd., Suite D Newnan, GA 30265 1-888-531-1511 www.usfarmer.com